Join the HarBazar Vendor Community and Grow Your Business Online!
Explore our membership plans to unlock exclusive features and perks tailored for your business. Click the link below to learn more or proceed with your registration!
Only Star Fields Are Mandatory – Join Us in Minutes!
Registration is free, allowing you to start your selling journey without any initial investment.
All payments are processed securely, giving you peace of mind and ensuring timely transfers.
You can use HarBazar’s trusted courier partners or choose a membership plan to use your own courier service.
There are no hidden charges or unexpected costs. The commission rates are transparent, and all fees are clearly stated upfront.
The registration process typically takes up to 12 working hours. We review your details, verify your information, and approve your account. Register Now
If you want to use your own courier, you will need to complete the registration process with a membership plan that allows this option. Register Now
You can start selling immediately after your registration is confirmed. However, if you choose a membership plan that requires additional approval, it may take a little longer. Register Now
Yes, if there are any issues with your registration, we will notify you via email with the reason for rejection and guide you on how to resolve it. Register Now
If you realize you’ve made an error during registration, you can reach out to our support team. Register Now
Depending on the membership plan you choose, additional verification may be required. This could include business verification or identity checks for security purposes. Register Now